Two Way Radios For Railway
Two Way Radios For Trains, Stations & Railways

Our railway two way radio system is state-of-the-art and has unlimited range. Many railway companies already having chosen Motorola Wave PTX as their voice communications system with real time GPS tracking.
There are multiple radios available to be used with the MOTOROLA Wave PTX solution including the TLK 100, TLK 150 and even your own device with the iOS and Android apps.
GPS tracking is achieved via the browser based dispatch system; compatible with Chrome browser.
Contact Our Motorola Wave PTX Specialist
Email hello@radiotronics.com.au or call us on (03) 9021 2424 now!
Browser Based Dispatch Console

Dispatch Anywhere
Our railway two way radio system is managed on-line using your browser, freeing you from maintenance and manual software updates. Securely sign into the train dispatch application from anywhere with an internet connection and a standard Chrome web browser.
Talk From The Dispatch Console
Keep in touch with your teams, rolling stock and field personnel wherever they are with their unlimited range two way radio. Monitor communication traffic and instantly connect with groups and individuals at the touch of a button.
System Features
The features you’d expect from any enterprise-level radio and train tracking system…

Yes! You really can use your two way radios anywhere…
- Truly, Use Your Radio Anywhere
- Connect Using Mobile Phone Signal or WiFi
- Fully Manageable Dispatch Console*
- Browser/Cloud Based – Use Anywhere*
- Instant Connect – No Dialing or Ringing Delay
- Shared Cross-Device Contact List
- Private Individual Call
- Group Conversations
- Priority Interrupt & All Call
- Active Status Shows When Users Are Online*
- GPS Personnel Location Tracking (Portable Radio)*
- GPS Train Location Tracking (Mobile Radio)*
- Emergency Button^
- Call Logs*
- Message Logs*
- Bluetooth Headset Options
* these features require the dispatch console; ^ these features require additional safeguard subscription
Cost? How Much Is This?

Buy Outright?
You can buy our unlimited range railway two way radio system by choosing a device and then signing up for a monthly or annual subscription.
Email hello@radiotronics.com.au or call us on (03) 9021 2424 now!
Hire or Rent?
Subject to status, we do have rental packages. To discuss this, e-mail hello@radiotronics.com.au or call us on (03) 9021 2424 now!