Two Way Radio Starter Kit Bundle Packages

Two Way Radio Starter Kit Bundle Packages

The world of two way radios can be confusing. That’s why we’ve created these two-way radio starter kit bundle packages. Each kit is supplied with a number of radios, usually 2, 4 or 6 and either single chargers or a 6-position charger.

Our two-way radio starter kits are two-way radio bundle packages that allow you to get started without any of the complexity of sifting therough the hundreds of available products. All the tadios we’ve chosen to including in these packages have been specifically selected and tested by our expert team here at Radiotronics.

Take a look at our two-way radio packages. If you need to speak to us, you can telephone us on (03) 9021 2424 10am to 4pm AEST or email [email protected] 24 hours a day.