Motorola CLP107e Accessories

This is the Motorola CLP107e accessories page. Motorola CLP107e is not a Motorola CLP107 and has different accessories.
Motorola CLP107e accessories usually supplied are either PMLN8077 swivel earpiece; HKNN4013 battery & PMPN4018 single charger including power supply (unless you buy a Motorola CLP 6-way charger).
Note: Old CLP107 accessories are not forwards compatible to CLP107e and CLP107e accessories are not backwards compatible to CLP107. In other words CLP107e and CLP107 might sound the same, but they do not share accessories. See specific Motorola CLP107 Accessories here.
Go to the radio pages: Motorola CLP107e
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Motorola CLP107e Swivel Earpiece
Motorola CLP107e Swivel Earpiece (Short Cord)