Motorola DP4401Ex Accessories

There is an extensive range of accessories for the Motorola DP4401Ex Radio available from Radiotronics. This is an ATEX radio that has been designed for use in dangerous working environments.
The Motorola DP4401Ex is an ATEX DMR digital portable two-way radio that is packed full of features including Man Down and GPS. This is the original DP4401Ex, this radio is the non-display ATEX model from Motorola. The display and keypad model is the Motorola DP4801Ex.
This category is for accessories for the Motorola DP4401Ex two-way radios. Here you will find Motorola DP4401Ex batteries, chargers, earpieces, headsets and microphones.
See the radio: Motorola DP4401Ex
Endura EC6M-MT16B 6-Way Charger for Motorola DP2400 & DP4400e Series Two Way Radios
Motorola BR000272A01 IMPRES v2 Wall Bracket For PMPN4293 & PMPN4301 Chargers
Motorola CB000458A07 IMPRES v2 MUC USB Cable PMPN4293 & PMPN4301 Chargers (Special Order Only)
Motorola DP2400e & DP4400e IMPRES 2 6-Way Charger
Motorola DP2400e & DP4400e Series Single Travel Charger
Motorola DP4400e & DP2400e IMPRES-Compatible 6-Way Charger
Motorola DP4400e & DP4800e Accessory Dust Cover
Motorola DP4400e & DP4800e IMPRES Single Charger & Power Supply
Motorola DP4401Ex & DP4801Ex ATEX Noise Cancelling Speaker Microphone
Motorola GMMN4580 HC-2 Helmet-COM Bone Conduction Mic With Duel speaker
Motorola HKVN4497 (HKVN4497A) RX Receive Audio Levelling Licence Key EID
Motorola HW001384A01 Replacement Insert (Tri) For PMPN4283 & PMPN4293
Motorola IMPRES 2 DP2400e & DP4400e Single Charger (Pod Only)
Motorola IMPRES 2 DP2400e & DP4400e Single Charger & Power Supply
Protected: Motorola MOTOTRBO Portable Latest Firmware Upgrade
Motorola NLN7967 Wall Mount Bracket For IMPRES (Slanted) MUC
Motorola NNTN7616 IMPRES Vehicular Charger
Motorola NNTN8359 IMPRES DP4401Ex & DP4801Ex Lithium Battery
Motorola PMAD4126 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 136-147MHz + GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4127 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 147-160MHz + GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4128 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 160-174MHz + GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4129 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 136-147MHz No GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4130 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 147-160MHz No GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4131 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 160-174MHz No GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAD4132 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex VHF 136-147MHz No GPS ATEX 22cm Antenna
Motorola PMAE4081 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex UHF 403-433MHz + GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMAE4083 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex UHF 403-433MHz + GPS ATEX Stubby Antenna
Motorola PMAE4084 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex UHF 430-470MHz + GPS ATEX Stubby Antenna
Motorola PMAE4085 DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex UHF 403-470MHz No GPS ATEX Whip Antenna
Motorola PMLN6086 2.5″ DP4401-Ex & DP4801-Ex ATEX Belt Clip
Motorola PMLN6087 Over The Head Heavy Duty Headset With Boom Mic
Motorola PMLN6089 Heavy Duty Headset With Boom Mic, Volume Control
Motorola PMLN6090 Over The Head Heavy Duty Headset With Boom Mic, Volume Control
Motorola PMLN6092 Heavy Duty Headset With Boom Mic
Motorola PMLN6333 Heavy Duty Headset With Boom Mic, High-Attenuating Twin Shells
Motorola PMLN6368 ATEX Inline PTT Module
Motorola PMLN7188 ATEX Tube Earpiece with 3.5mm Jack (For PMMN4094)
Motorola PMMN4067 Atex CSA Remote Speaker Mic
Motorola PMPN4283 / PMPN4301 Wall Bracket [Replaced by BR000272A01]
Motorola PS000037A03 Charger Power Supply Only
Motorola RMN5123 HC-1 Helmet-COM Bone Conduction Mic With Single Speaker
Motorola WPLN4215 IMPRES 6-Way Charger (No Display)
Motorola WPLN4222 IMPRES 6-Way Chager (With Display – ANZ Power Cord) [Replaced by PMPN4293]