Motorola DP3600 Accessories

There is an extensive range of Motorola DP3600 accessories available from Radiotronics. The radio is suited to a variety of environments, find accessories to help aid your workers suited to their requirements.
The Motorola DP3600 is an analogue/digital hybrid portable two-way radio that is packed full of features. This radio was released as a replacment for the Motorola GP380, the Motorola DP3600 boasts digital audio quality and has a Motorola DP connector, the same connector as the DP4400.
This category is the accessories for the Motorola DP3400 two-way radios. Here you will find Motorola DP3400 batteries, chargers, earpieces, headsets and microphones.
Aftermarket PMNN4065A 1550mAh NiMH Battery For Motorola DP3400 DP3600
Aftermarket PMNN4066A 2500mAh Lithium IMPRES Battery For Motorola DP3400 DP3600
Endura EC6M-IC7LI 6-Way Charger for Icom IC-F2000
Endura EC6M-MT16B 6-Way Charger for Motorola DP2400 & DP4400e Series Two Way Radios
Endura EC6M-MT19B 6-Way Charger for Motorola APX6000, XP7000 & APX8000 Series Two Way Radios
Motorola DP3400 & DP3600 1700mAh IMPRES Lithium Battery
Motorola DP4400e & DP2400e IMPRES-Compatible 6-Way Charger
Motorola DP4400e & DP4800e 3-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece (Black)
Motorola DP4400e & DP4800e D Shape Earpiece & Boom Microphone
Motorola DP4400e, DP4800e & APX Heavy Duty Neckband Headset
Motorola DP4400e, DP4800e & APX Heavy Duty Neckband Headset (TIA 4950)
Motorola IMPRES 2 DP2400e & DP4400e Single Charger (Pod Only)
Motorola IMPRES 2 DP2400e & DP4400e Single Charger & Power Supply
Motorola PS000037A03 Charger Power Supply Only